Hackattack? Like the Phoenix, Still I Rise!

For almost a month, my primary site, “Queering the Church”, has been down. Readers cannot access it, I cannot access it – or the admin dashboard. I’ve spent time investigating, hours (and money) on the telephone to the hosting company, and still no idea if I’m on the verge of retrieving it – or no closer than ever before. Only two things I know for certain: I will soon be taking a final decision on which of two approaches I will adopt – and that like the phoenix, the site in one form or another, will rise again.

In the words of Maya Angelou, “Still I Rise”.

I have further investigations to complete and decisions to take. Meanwhile, this is a temporary site where I will be making a start on reconstruction.

For some time, I’ve been in any case reconsidering the value of the site in the form it had taken. The original intention, six years ago, was never to produce a simple blog, for reactive commentary on the daily news cycle. Rather, I had wanted more of a website, to house permanent resources for LGBT Catholics and other Christians.

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